Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 15 - Not Wasting Any Time

This morning I woke up to my music and enjoyed a full breakfast. I was proud that I biked to DTU in less than thirty minutes, but I was also a little late so I found my building and changed quickly. I realized later that I should have come in the rear entrance to the lecture hall after the professor mentioned it. In that course I found Carlos, one of the guys my intro week group, and since we had to form teams we decided to be on the same team. Ideally the teams would consist of four people so David, one the many Danes in this course, joined us as well. Later in our lab Signe joined our group too making it the ideal four people. There were actually only five or six international students in our course so the professor decided in the future he would give a short English lecture before the Danish lecture. Considering we only meet once each week we didn't waste any time and each group was given an animal tissue sample referred to as a phantom and we took a photograph of the surface as a reference for later. Throughout the course we'll be taking images of this phantom with all the current medical imaging techniques in order to gain a better understanding of how these techniques work. Once we were finished in lab, I was able to bike home in record time because it's slightly more downhill than going to DTU. Once home I found Zlatina had invited some of her friends over for a house/apartment warming party. She and her friends are studying what is called lifelong learning which goes beyond teaching and looks at the methods used to teach. Among these friends, Joe wanted to help make some food and I offered my potatoes so we made baked potato wedges in the oven. A few more of Zlatina's friends showed up and joined the party. Then once it was too cold to stay outside we moved inside and upon someone's suggestion decided to play a game of charades. The party continued, but I needed to go to sleep because I had an early class at DTU in the morning.

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