Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 5 - Without a Plan

I didn't have anything much planned for Monday so I slept in a bit. That may have also been the cause for my strange dream, but I will spare you from the details of its absurdity. Since it was later I suppose I had lunch or perhaps brunch instead of breakfast. I had emailed my parents earlier so we Skyped in the afternoon (which was the morning for them). Fortunately they were on their vacation in Michigan at the time because otherwise my father would have been working. I certainly appreciated talking with (and seeing) them. I haven't really used Skype much but I expect I'll be a professional by the end of this semester. Afterwards I went to work on filling out my residence permit application which I totally forgot to bring with me. Good thing I had a digital copy and printed two copies when I was on DTU's campus because I didn't realize until halfway through the first copy that everything was supposed to be in capital letters. I finally finished filling out the second copy in all caps and remembered I needed to withdraw some more money. I borrowed Dang's bike to go into Herlev to an ATM and then realized it was dinner time. I found a small restaurant where I bought a giant bacon burger. It seemed like a good price and it was the only on the menu I didn't have to translate. I guess I'm used to the size of everything gradually shrinking in the U.S. because I later found out this "giant" burger was normal for Denmark (except for Burger King). When I came back Dang had purchased a dresser  from IKEA and I volunteered to help assemble it. As I mentioned previously, Dang was leaving soon to study abroad in the Czech Republic, but the new furniture he had bought recently was actually for the girl who was going to sublease from him for the next five months. I admire him for his generosity and I hope to model it in some way in the future.

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